Colegrin The Corporate Learning and Growth Institute  


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  Colegrin services
bullet Full-scale innovation interventions
bullet Innovation development programmes
bullet Measurement systems for innovation
bullet Longevity research projects
bullet Longevity development programmes
bullet Strategic management of innovation
bullet Restructuring for innovation
bullet Incentivising innovation
bullet Communication strategies for innovation
bullet Tools and technologies supporting innovation

Colegrin provides specialist management consultancy in Competitive Advantage, Future Sustainability and Innovation.

Colegrin's mission statement is simply: To help their clients grow sustainable businesses for now and the future. Their work ethic is understated enthusiasm and blatant professionalism.

Through their talent for seeking out good companies and helping them become exceptional, Colegrin has earned a singularly enviable reputation across a wide variety of industry sectors.

Their expertise is demonstrated by the success stories of the organizations that have benefited from founder Audrey Verhaeghe's passion for overcoming the obstacles that impede corporate innovation and future success.

Delighted clients include:
Bhp Billiton, Mondi, SA Post Office, Anglo American, De Beers, Nedcor, DBSA, Impala Platinum, Eskom, CPSI and many, many more

How often have you heard a business executive say 'right now business is doing well, but I can't vouch for the future?'

Compared to the here and now, the future is a very different playing field. One of the most important decisions executives have to take right now is whether they want to tell their company that 'the environment has changed, we need to adapt fast' or 'the environment will change, let's plan for it.'

In a world where incumbency is worth next to nothing, a company must be capable of reinventing its deepest sense of self, and its core business concept, continuously year after year.' (Professor Gary Hamel: 2000)


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